Chapter Timestamp Description
Chapter 1 7:05
The project’s contribution to SARUA’s strategic objectives in the region:
  • Prof Martin Oosthuizen Executive Director, SARUA
  • Prof René Pellissier Knowledge Co-Production SFA Lead, SARUA
Chapter 2 17:47
The project’s contribution to the IDRC’s objectives and an emerging network of global funders
  • Dr Katie Bryant (Program Officer, Education and Science, IDRC)
  • Kristin Corbett (Senior Strategic Knowledge Translation Officer, Policy and Evaluation Division, IDRC
Chapter 3 25:17
Conceptual starting points for the project (the ‘prequel’)
  • Dr Tracy Bailey, Principal Investigator, SARUA
  • Prof Nelius Boshoff, Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology, Stellenbosch University
Chapter 4 1:14:46
Project objectives, design and the community of practice
  • Dr Tracy Bailey, Principal Investigator, SARUA
  • Phiwo Kgatla, Project Coordinator, SARUA


SIR Webinar 1, 4 April 2024_Slide Presentation

Resources mentioned during the presentations by the IDRC:

For more information about IDRC’s Research Quality Plus approach, see (English) or (French)

See the May 2022 UNESCO working document on New Ways to Reinvent Higher Education

For more information about the Funder’s Network, see a factsheet on the Transforming Evidence Funders Network.

The scan of higher education institutions in the United States can be found here:

Universities take promising steps to reward research that benefits society

Published On: 4 April 2024Categories: SIR webinars, Webinars
Categories: SIR webinars, Webinars
