Welcome to our webinar and workshop programme for August to November 2023. Our programme takes its cue from our draft strategic plan, in which we have identified four strategic focus areas and a strategic enabler.

Our webinar and workshop series will present information, discussion and capacity development opportunities relating to all four strategic focus areas and our strategic enabler. Some webinars will provide updates on our projects, while others will provide opportunities for our network members to become part of important regional and continental initiatives. There also will be opportunities to learn more about our plans for various focus areas, and to contribute to the planning process. We look forward to engaging with our network members in this coming semester.

Interpretation Services: We are pleased to announce that we have subscribed to an AI translation platform called Wordly, which provides simultaneous translation and captioning services during online meetings. This means that you will be able to follow SARUA webinars and workshops in the language of your choice, and also to make contributions in your preferred language. We trust that this will increase the attractiveness of our webinars to our valued colleagues from Francophone and Lusophone countries in the SADC.

Published On: 22 September 2023Categories: HAQAA3, News
Categories: HAQAA3, News
