As 2021 commences, we are excited to share with our SARUA community an update on our Continuing Education project. With the support of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) through the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), SARUA has been working on promoting the quality management and appropriate recognition of continuing education programmes offered by universities.  The work has been in progress for some time, but we are nearing the conclusion of the first phase.

The main components of the work to date include:

  1. Input in the development of guidelines for the management of quality continuing education programmes or courses, fully aligned with the SDGs and IGE principles.
  2. The placement of the work in a consortium of universities committed to using the guidelines and establishing a quality assurance mechanism that verified the quality of their continuing education programmes (the placement in SARUA will culminate in the establishment of a foreseen platform for a community of practice where interaction among peers will be supported).
  3. The organisation of policy consultations with national regulators and qualification authorities in South Africa and in the broader accreditation community to gather input in and get support for and possibly approval of the guidelines.
Published On: 15 March 2021Categories: News
Categories: News
